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Class Act Media wins APAC Insider Business Award

Class Act Media wins APAC Insider Business Award

The APAC Business Awards aim to celebrate the success of companies of all sizes across the APAC region, regardless of industry. Image: APAC Insider

PHUKET: Class Act Media and IMAGE asia have been recognised in the annual APAC Insider Business Awards by being bestowed the accolade ‘Most Outstanding Small Local Business - Phuket’.

The winners of the annual UK-based awards were announced yesterday (Jan 19).

“Now in its fifth year, the APAC Business Awards aim to celebrate the success of companies of all sizes across the APAC region, regardless of industry,” explained the release announcing this year’s winners.

“This last year, more than any other, success has been far from guaranteed. Even long-established firms were met with uncertainty and challenges, with start-ups and newcomers facing a baptism of fire, the likes of which hadn’t been seen for decades. With all of this in mind, we launch the 2020 programme with a slight shift in ethos – we wanted to offer a counterpoint to the challenges of the year by focusing on those that have, in whatever small or large way, achieved success over the last 12 months.

“All in all, the heart of the programme remains the same: we want to represent and recognise these achievements and to showcase those companies who can truly be described as paragons on the greater professional landscape,” the release added.

Speaking at the announcement of the awards, Awards Co-ordinator Katherine Benton said, “I offer a sincere and heartfelt congratulations to all of those recognised in the 2020 Business Awards. I hope you all have a wonderful 2021 ahead.”

Class Act Media is the publisher of local English-language newspaper, in print and online, The Phuket News, and its sister newspapers Thai-language Khao Phuket and Russian-language Novosti Phuketa.

The Class Act Media house is also home to the popular Live 89.5 radio station broadcasting across the island and JP Mestanza’s Phuket News TV ‘Phuket Xtra’ video reports.

The IMAGE asia brand, under the same media ownership, produces the popular Window on Phuket magazine and the Where to Eat dining guide.

“This award and its recognition is only possible with the hard work, loyalty and commitment from our great team, who have continued to do outstanding work even during these testing times. And special thanks to our supporters, suppliers and readers, listeners and watchers,” said Class Act Media & IMAGE asia General Manager Jason Beavan.

“It’s wonderful to be recognised as being an important part of the Phuket community. Thank you all.”

To find out more about the prestigious awards, and the dedicated professionals selected for them, and the full list of winners, visit

Published quarterly, APAC Insider endeavours to deliver the latest need-to-know business content and updates from across the Asia-Pacific region.

“Keeping pace with a vast array of ever-changing sectors thanks to regular contributions from some of the region’s foremost corporate professionals, APAC Insider is home to the very best news, features and comment from the people and institutions in the know,” the magazine notes.

Published: January 2021

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